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Move the sidebar panel to the right in VS Code

How to move the sidebar panel to the right in VS Code?
F1 and type tpsbp and select Toggle Primary Side Bar Position

VS Code comes with a simple and intuitive layout with multiple areas. By default, the main sidebar is located on the left side but you can move it to the right easily.

Move from the context menu

Right-click on one of the red framed areas in the image below. Select the Move Primary Side Bar Right option.

Use the main menu

Select View -> Appearance -> Move Primary Side Bar Right

Using the command palette

Press F1 and type tpsbp. Select the Toggle Primary Side Bar Position


Customize layout 

Finally, you can use the customize layout option to move the panel to the side of your choice. Click on the small customize layout icon near the top right corner. Then select the desired position.


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Move the sidebar panel to the right in VS Code